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Remove and Sanitize Mold With Bleach

By March 21, 2019No Comments

Perhaps the most common product for killing mold is bleach. It is inexpensive and easily accessible, but there are more effective and convenient methods. Bleach works fine for nonporous surfaces, such as tile or bathtubs. For anything else, however, there is a real chance that bleach will leave the roots of the mold intact.
If you decide to use bleach to clean your mold, there are several things for you to keep in mind. Make sure to ventilate the area thoroughly to manage the fumes, and protect yourself by using gloves. You should also rinse the bleach afterward if it is on a commonlytouched surface. It is also vital that you do not mix the bleach with any other chemicals. If you choose this method, one cup of bleach mixed with a gallon of water should get the job done.